welcome to

the 11th ILANIT/FISEB Conference

Monday - Thursday, 23-26 February 2026, Eilat

welcome to

the 11th ILANIT/FISEB Conference

Monday - Thursday, 23-26 February 2026, Eilat

Call for Abstracts

We invite you to submit an abstract for the 10th Congress of the Federation of the Israel Societies for Experimental Biology – FISEB/ILANIT, that will take place in Eilat on the 20th -23rd of February, 2023.

Please note: Notifications regarding your abstract submission will be sent out in January

Please note

Deadlines for abstract submission to be considered for an oral presentation, flash talk and e-poster abstract submission: October 2nd, 2022.
The payment from abstract submitters/speakers should be settled by September 15th, 2022 in order to be included in the final Program.
  • Only abstracts submitted through the online form will be considered.
  • In order to access the abstract submission form you must register before and obtain a personal password.
  • After receiving the registration password, it also serves to log-in to the abstract submission form.
  • Each person is only allowed to submit and present one abstract. This limitation does not prohibit you from being co-author on other submitted abstracts.
  • You can review and update your abstract as many times as you wish until October 2nd, 2022.                                                                                  After this date no updates will be received.
  • Half of the talks in all sessions (~250 talks) will be selected from abstracts, whose presenters ask to be considered for an oral presentation.
  • When submitting your abstract you will be asked to select what presentation type you want your abstract to be considered for; e-poster, flash talk or oral presentation.
  • Based on your selection your abstract will be reviewed and considered to the conference program. The Scientific Organizing Committee is reserving the right to make final assignment of abstracts to e-poster or oral presentation.
  • Expenses for travel and attendance including registration fee, are the responsibility of each presenter.

General Guidelines

  • Please prepare your abstract in Word and then copy and paste the information in the appropriate cells in the online form. You can also write directly in the textbox.
  • Abstracts should be in English and should not exceed 250 words.
  • Abstract title should not exceed 25 words.
  • Special characters are supported.
  • You will be asked to specify author/s and affiliation/s when submitting the abstract.
  • Please choose the topic from a list of 40 topics.
  • Please mark if your submission is for oral presentation, flash talk or E-poster presentation.
  • For oral presentation, you will be asked to provide the presenter name, title (Principal Investigator, Research Assistant, Postdoc, PhD student, MSc student, Other___), PI name (if applicable), University/Institute.
  • For oral presentation you will be also asked to provide the session name (1st, 2nd and 3rd choices) from a list of 83 sessions.
  • Please note that slots for oral presentation are limited. In case your abstract will not be chosen for oral presentation, it will automatically be considered for flash talks and E-poster presentation. Flash talks will be considered for flash-talks or e-posters. E-posters will only be considered for e-poster presentations. You will be notified by the end of 2022.

The abstract submission will be opened in mid-July 2022.

Please note that all guidelines and information are also provided in the online submission form.